Q.  Some countries have introduced to limit working hours for employees .Why is this law introduced ? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development ?

Fist and foremost think before starting writing  note down some point of easy on given answer sheet to save your time for task 1 . 

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Reasons point  

. Problem of unemployment is solved , certain laws to each individual to work 

. To increase the productivity of work . Physcial and mental tirdness leads to more mistake at work , if an individual work for longer hours 

. To strengthen relationship between employees and their families 

. Economical rights of individual are protect 

Positive Development  point 

. Every literate individual get chance to work and earn bread and better 

. Producitivity increase lessening the risk of mistake 

. Health issues will decline Eg. hypertension 

. Provide opportunity to one to be more social with their peer group 


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