Best Exam TIPS

         Listening Tips


- Read the instructions and questions carefully before you listen .      

- Try to get an idea of the situation who are the speakers ? Where are they ? Why are they speaking ?

- Remember , you will only hear the audio once . You will need to read , write and listen all at the same time

- In the real test , you have time at the beginning of each section to look at task . Use this time well to read the question and think about the topic .

-Recording always follow the order of question . If you miss one question don't panic move next once .

- Sometimes speaker speak wrong answer and correct after awards , listen carefully to the recording .

- Write clearly when you  transfer to answer sheet .

- High score in listening only when you correct the answer in part one and two .
- Always underline the main keywords in listening get answer fastly and also helps to focus on the word.

- Focus on the ' signpost words ' such as although and finally . 

- Avoid spelling errors and omitting ''s'' , sign of $ or incomplete representation of numbers like 2.15 instead 2.15pm . This will to low score .

- Write answer immediately on sheet after listening to recording   . Do not try to memories  it or leave it .

- Don't leave blanks , you might as well guess as you won't penalized for incorrect answer .

Speaking Tips 

- When you enter in exam room smile and relax this will had a good impression on examiner and you also fell less nervous . 

- Don't be nervous . Think of is this : if you are really nervous and can't speak then your score will be poor . If you are confident and speak freely , you will have a good band score .

- Always be polite while answering questions . 

- Don't speak too fast because it can be difficult to speak about 2 minutes . Don't speak speak too slow as you won't have a chance to stay very much and it will reduce your fluency .

- Always remind your question and try to develop answer fastly .

- Before answering the follow use these word as a starter like , well , So , Let me think , As , So on , it will give you a time to prepare what you will say without leaving a long pause and extend your answer by giving reason and example . 

- Use wide range of grammar and vocabulary while speaking . The examiner can only award you mark for the language produce .

-  Be a good listener . Never interrupt examiner while speaking . let him finish first .

- Avoid using your native language for few month before exam and use converse in English .This will boost your fluency and feel more confident .

Reading Tips

- Before starting reading passages , Please read the instruction carefully ,and especially instruction regrading the number words .

- Always try to answer all the question because there is no negative marking for incorrect answer .
- Write all the answer in same order  as the question in passage .

- Don't spend too much time on one question . Move to next one and go back afterward if you have time.

- You have to read 3 long section , each with multiple paragraphs and each paragraph contain 13 to 14 question . There is no extra time given to transfer the answer on answer sheet [ always remind it ] .

- Use the technique of Skim and Scan to get the basic understanding of what it is about . What is the text about . 

- Don't panic if you don't know about passage because all the answer are in the passage and don't need any specialist knowledge .

- Copy the answer correctly if it is in the passage .

- The answer may not come in same order as the information in the text.

 - Always practice the with clock to improve speed . 


- First thing plan and organize your answer , so that your answer is relevant to question . Write down the main point on given question paper to memories faster . 

- Use the connectors to connect the words and sequence your idea , try to avoid ther repeating ideas .

- Don't use informal language like you wouldn't use slang or 'trendy' words so make sure your vocabulary is appropriate .

- In task 1 , make sure the information you write about chart , table , graph , diagram and don't use your  own ideas .

 - Task 2 , use your own ideas and points according to question demand and best practice for this task is to read newspaper  editorials and magazine articles on current topics . This will assist to develop more ideas and views .

- Always try to write task 1 in 20 minutes and task 2 in 30 minutes , 10 minutes for prof reading .

- Always use the pencil  to write and don't use pen so that you can always correct your mistake by erasing them .

- Try to save the time to do prof reading and correct mistake at the end  


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