Format to start Writing Task 1



Body paragraph 1

Body paragraph 2


# How to start Introduction :

1] The graph / Chart / Table / Diagram shows ..........

2] The graph / Chart / Table / Diagram gives / Provides / information about / on ......

3] The graph / Chart / Table / Diagram indicates ....

4] The diagram illustrates ...

5] According to the graph / Chart / Table / Diagram ...

# How to start overview :

1 ] It is crystal clear that .......

2] As an overview , it is clear that .....

3] It is crystal clear from the graph ....

# How to start Body paragraph 1

1] To commence with ...

2] To embark on ...

3] To begin ...

# How to start Body paragraph 2 :

- Same idea  
   1] Moving further
   2] Furthermore 
   3] Moreover 

 - Opposite idea 

    1] On the contrary 
    2] However 
    3] Whereas
    4] While 
    5] Nevertheless
    6] On the other hand 
    7] On the flipside  

 # Conclusion 

1] To conclude
2] To sum up 
3] To summarize
4] To close up 
5] To summarize briefly 
6] To wrap up 
7] In conclusion 
8] In end 
9] hammering the last nail 



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