Important grammatical verbs and adverbs , proper use in IELTS

 Prepositional Usage 

One of the complex tasks for students is to use prepositions in a right way . Prepositions such as at , in and with  look very familiar and simpler , but students get confused while transcribing the information / data using them . Learn them properly before you take the test . Take a look at these sentences :

-The  figure stood at the same level in the following year .

 - Nifty rose to the 90,000 mark in August 2017 .

- The number remained stable / steady at 560 for the entire year .

-The sales swelled at a rate of 25% per annum / per year / p.a.

- Tesla company is the largest car manufacturing , with 90 % of total production all over world 

- The decrease was remarkable , at a whopping 67 % . 

- Imports doubled whereas exports reached 90 % in 2018 

Common verbs with usage :

Record : The trend recorded a dip of nearly 20% for men in following decade .

Become : America became the largest software exporter to Spain .

Stand at : The price of desktop computer lulled briefly and stood at $ 700 .

Remain : The dip remained stable for another ten years before hitting the lowest point .

Amount to : Their annual fuel bills amount to over $ 900 .

Reach : Before reaching the peak , it fluctuated for some time .

Represent : The line graph represent an overview of how many satellites were launched by Canada and other countries in world from 2010 to 2021

Placement of adverbs :

1.The sale of potatoes increased significantly .

2.The sale of potatoes significantly increased .

         [Caution: The sale of potatoes to large extent increased .]

 The phrase must be placed in the end : The sale of potatoes increased to a large extent . 

Adjectives showing time , amount , emphasis :

 1] Time : Quick , Rapid , Gradual , Constant , Sudden , Slow ,  Fluctuating , Fast 

 2] Emphasis : moderate , marked , insignificant , noticeable , striking , minor , notable , considerable , sharp , major , slight , strong , dramatic , substantial , consistent , whopping , stark 

3] Amount : slight , limited , major , numerous , enormous , marginal , vast , extensive , large , substantial , restricted , widespread , great 

Example Sentences :

- Tata Steel  Q1 profit jumped over four-fold to 1 billion rupees , revenue rose by 99 % , EBITDA soared to 45 % .


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