How to write IELTS easy

 Q. In many countries , a prison sentence is considered as the best way to decrease crime . however , education is often argued as more effective way . 

* Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Vocabulary : 

Prison : Cages , lockup , Confine , Imprison , Jail 

Government : Regime , Council , authority , administration , executive , directorate 

Crime : Offend , felony , offence , misdeeds 

Education : literacy , Knowledge 

Criminals : Offenders , culprits , delinquent  

Reduce : Drop , decline , plunge 

Rehabilitation : a centre which guide for right path 


Every nation has a rigid legislation to curb the misdeed . Today , numerous nation , put the individuals behind lockup considering an effective way to reduce felony but other say that providing fundamental knowledge is a better way . I will discuss both the view with my  opinion in the impending paragraph .

BP: 1

 * By giving imprisonment as a punishment to the culprits .

* Set an example to the whole society .

* As, it affects severly the person's life as well as their family members .

* During the period of punishment masses go through various hardships such as staying away from loved ones and negative profile record among society .

Consequently , it makes individuals beaware of this .

Example : Survey by C. B.T .

 BP 2 

Literacy tool help to plunge the crime 

Education is a virtue which provide plethora of opportunities to get better jobs and fulfill their basic requirements such as accommodation , food .

It is also describes the individuals about the harmful impact of crime on their life .


Imprisonment and education works effectively to drop the rate of crime in a country . Moreover , rehabilitation centers also help to reduce offence .


                                                                                                   BY : Kiranpreet kaur virk 


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