Simple word synonyms

This a list of most common

 Synonyms to boost your IELTS Score. 

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1]  Begin   -  Initiate , Commence , Inaugurate , Start .

2]  Come  -   Approach , Arrive .

3]  Dangerous  -   Hazardous , Risky , Precarious .

4]  Production  -    Manufacture , Making , Construction , Fabrication.

5]  Free   -   Loose , Unoccupied , Release , Discharge.

6]  Tough -   Strong , Hardy , Gritty , Rugged 

7]  See    -    Discern , Perceive , Glimpse

8]  Problem    -  Difficulty , Issue , Trouble , Worry , Complication , Obstacle

9]  Firstly   - Fundamentally , Primarily , Predominately , Basically , First and foremost

10] Situate - Locate , Site , Set , Position , Establish

11]  Huge   -  Enormous , Vast , Immense , Great , Gigantic , Tremendous

12]  Look    -  Gaze , Glance , Peek , Glimpse , Leer

13]  New   -   Unique , Modern ,  Recent , Current

14]  Tell    -    Reveal ,  Narrate , Inform , Divulge  , Disclose

15]  Certain Sure , Obvious , Positive , Some
16]  Save   -  Preserve , Protect , Cure  

17]  Show  -  Depict , Reveal , Demonstrate , Exposed , Illustrates

18]  Start   -    Incredible , Fantastic , Fabulous , Astonishing , Extraordinary 

19]  Coll    -  Chilly , Frosty , Icy

20]  Cut  -  Chop , Slash , Slit

21]  Decide  Determine , Settle .

22]  Dull  -   Boring , Uninteresting , Monotonous  , Humdrum , Dreary .

23]  Get  -    Obtain , Secure , Procure , Gather , Acquire

24]  End   -    Terminate , Conclude , Cessation

25]  Good  -  Excellent , Fine , Wonderful , Superior , Superb , Splendid , Genuine , Sterling , Top – Notch

25]  Move  - Plod, Creep , Drag , Toddle , Shuffle , Trot , Lumber

26]  Old   -  Feeble , Ancient , Aged , Stale , Primitive , Mature

27]  Explain Elaborate , Interpret

28]  Fast  - Quick , Rapid , Hasty , Snappy

29]  Great  -   Worthy , Grand ,Considerable , Mighty , Distinguished

30]  Help  - Aid , Assist , Support , Encourage , Relieve

31]  Little  -   Tiny , Diminutive , Exiguous , Dinky , Cramped

32]  Use  -  Employ ,  Spend , Exhaust , Utilize

33]  Idea -  Thought , Concept , Notion

34]  Make  - Create , Originate , Invent , Construct , Manufacture , Produce , Compose

35]  Awful  -  Terrible , Abominable , Dreadful

36]  Place - Portion , Allotment , Section , Fragment , Fraction

36]  Popular -  Well -liked , Approved , Accepted 

37]  Think  -  Judge , Consider , Deem , Reflect , Mediate

38]  Tell   -  Disclose , Reveal , Narrate , Inform , Expose , Explain , Divulge , Declare , Bid , Recount


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