1. Gorge  - steep , narrow , rocky canyon 

2. Primordial - existing at beginning of time , very ancient 

3. Chronic - long term , lasting long time 

4. Nostalgia - longing for past 

5. Enduring - lasting , serviving

6. Transitory - impremanent , fleeting quickly pasting away 

7. Tangible - able to be touch 

8. Kindle - start to fire , to inspire 

9. Squat - stocky , short 

10. Parched - extremely  dry 

11. Desperately - shows despair 

12. Ardent - very passionate , enthusiastic 

13. Omniscient - knowing all things 

14. Endure - last for time , remain in existence 

15. Stretch - capable of being longer and wider without breaking 

16. Desperate - hopeless , great need of something 

17. Brutality - cruel , physical violence 

18. Paradigm -  typical example ,  pattern of something 

19. Impending - forthcoming 

20. Imminent - something about to happen 

21. Ubiquitous  - common , found everywhere , current 

22. Cubs - offspring of lion 

23. Empathetic - ability to understand , share the feelings

24. Replicate - make copy , reproduce 

25. Quarrel - disagreement 

26. Reinstate - restore to their pervious position 

27. Exhaust - feeling tired 

28. Dispel - disappear 

29. Nestle - settle against something 

30. Plunge - thrust quickly , jump energetically 

31. Diagnosing - finding something , searching something 

32. Dearth - lack of something or scarcity 

33. Delight - happiness

34. Articulate - ability 

35. Slam - forcefully shut down , or loudly 

36. Negligence - failure in care taking of something 

37. Hefty - heavy and large 

38. Rigorous - strictly applied , extremely thorough and carefully 

39. Unethical - unmoral , not morally correct 

40. Commotion - state of confused and disturbance 

42. Dizzying - causing someone feeling unsteady , confused , amazed

43. Hustle - push roughly


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